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Monday, January 17, 2011

Essay 3

By: Jordan Zimmerly
Jesse Stuart wrote this story for a purpose to make us think, what it would be like to be all alone. With no neighbors, no family, or nobody to help you. To tell you the truth it would be a living nightmare, because you always need help in your life, for example many men think they can fix everything. The TV, dishwasher, car, even though truly they can’t. That’s why we need help, because there are special people for special things, it’s called their profession. Having peopled to help you along the way is the most crucial thing in a human’s lifetime.
           Throughout this story there are many lessons told, which will help us humans of the world, with our everyday lives. A lesson I have learned from this story is with more people and when working together you can accomplish anything. Similarities I can make with the piece, was last year trying to set up a fundraiser with only 2 days; overall it was hard trying to do it alone but when the whole class helps it can make quiet the difference. That just shows that working as a team or together is key, in life because somebody is always there to back you up.
            Another relation is the message in the “The Clearing”, which is to help neighbors lik you would help your own family, also applies to this one movie that is similar called Santa Clause 2. Were they didn’t have enough toys for Christmas, so all of the elves, along with the humans, worked as hard as they could, and completed a Christmas miracle. Just like in the story were the fire spread to the trees and was going to burn down everything, but even though the neighbors weren’t friends with the family, they still helped out just like the humans they weren’t friends with the elves but they still helped.
        The reason the author wrote this book is to display a life example. Supporting people throughout their life is not something you have to do it’s just something you should perform. For example my mom saw my neighbor Chuck have a heart attack, while getting the mail & instantly she dialed 911 to get help for the poor old man. There’s so many little and big things that you can do to help, that will impact a person’s life.
        Symbolism plays a huge part in this story, it explains the mood: for example a picture describes a thousand words, a word with symbolism can describe a whole story, like in the movie the pearl where Kino said he was going north and north represents comedy, therefore the story was a comedy. Within this story Symbolism is scattered everywhere, a piece of word that stood out to me are sunny and afternoon which represents comedy. Words like these can set a mood, for example sunny and bright would bring content so you’d think the characters would be happy, or if the setting is dark toned colors or rainy it is probably a tragic story or a terror.
       All of these thoughts and ideas taking place in this story make readers think as well as me, what is and what makes a fine neighbor? Being a good neighbor includes, helping out no matter what the circumstances are and treating them as if they’re your family. Overall you should treat your neighbors like you would treat yourself, words from the Lord Himself.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Starting Introductions

Question Intro:
Example: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to visit one of the 7 wonders of the world?
Thesis: The Grand Canyon of Americas West is most defiantly the greatest wonder of all.
My question Intro:
Example: Does Santa clause cause parents to spend more?
Thesis: Santa Clause existence makes children have more presents everywhere
Startling Statement:
Example: In America today 1 out of 4 women are diagnosed with acid reflex.
Thesis: Due to technology available from doctors today, women can live long and comfortable lives, free of acid reflex complications.
My Example:
Within the United States millions of kids die each year from the harmful causes of Cancer.
Even though many children die also many survive because of the many scientists who find cures.
On a small South Pacific island virtually unknown to most people, lies the one of the most notable beaches. The deep, black sands engulfed hundreds of bodies as soldiers attempted to reach the inner island strong holds.
Of all the battles fought in the, “great war”, Iwojima is the most devastating.
My Example:
In the small state of Arizona withholds a natural wonders that took millions of years to form and is still forming today. Hundreds of feet under sea level

Of all wonders of the world the Grand Canyon is the most marvelous.