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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Family is Forever

Authors Note: This essay will be about how kids/teenagers think friends is your number one priority, when family are the people who are with you together.

Around the world kids typically think there friends should be there first priority over family. As kids go into the teenage years we have so many of these so called, “BFF’s,” or, “Best Friends Forever,” to bad there is no guarantee that they will be there for you forever. Friends come and go, but family is with you forever, whether you like it or not.

In addition to the previous statement above, I can relate because although I am 14, sometimes I treat my friends and think of them as first priority in my life. For instance my brothers’ birthday dinner weekend was coming up, and so were the two biggest basketball game of the season against Pewaukee’s biggest rivals. To say the least I really wanted to go. Therefore knowing all of my friends would be there it gave me a sense of excitement and I was looking forward to it, so I ask my brother when he wants to go out to dinner, and he wasn’t sure. I was furious because, if I missed the game, I knew I would miss out on the latest gossip and a good opportunity to hang out with my friends. Then it hit me. My brother was there for my birthday dinner, he ditched his friends for me. Sure I might miss out on the latest gossip, and miss out on the latest inside jokes, but he ditched his friends for me and I should do the same for him. My brother was there for me, and I know he always will be.

Pursuing this further this issue makes me think of a famous quote saying, “Other things may change us, but we start and end with family, “by Anthony Brandt. What I think this poem is saying is other people will try to change you, but your family will love you for you, forever. You’re friends can’t always be there for you: they may move, find other friends that they may like better, or maybe you just never see each other. Typically teens are trying to see there friends and be with them constantly and completely forget the importance of family.

Furthermore this topic resembles to the novel, “Airhead,” by Meg Cabot. The main characters best friend left her because she changed her geeky ways and became a super model, while her family was completely supportive of her wishes. As soon as the main characters friend, didn’t like the new person she had become, she stopped being her friend because of it. In the end her friend never came back, but her family accepted her and was proud of her for who she became. Even though the family wasn't all that thrilled about her new choice at life they supported her, and they always will.

In conclusion family should be every teenager’s first priority over friends. All of these examples add up to one solution, friends come and go but family is forever. They may seem like they will be with you forever, but there is no guaranty. Overall family whether you like it or not will love and be there for you forever.

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