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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

“Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones but Words will Never Hurt me”

Rain drop, after rain drop, falling down on the cold surface of Venus. Margot looking blankly through the window with emptiness in her eyes, watching the rain whip away her soul. Thinking of when she was back on earth where the sun came out on a regular basis. The rain hasn’t stopped for seven years; all hope is being lost for the sun to appear again. When rain is constantly falling down people’s moods become more, and more miserable. This short story, “All Summer in a Day”, by Ray Bradbury displays the effects of constant rain, making an impact on people’s feelings and actions.
Imagine nonstop rain for seven years, I don’t even like when it rains for one day.During rainfall it usually lowers my contentment; people typically want to stay inside when it rains instead of going outside and taking on the world. Considering it’s been raining for seven years, it makes me wonder if they have flooding problems. The longest rainfall ever on earth that’s recorded happened in Cherrapunji, India over a twelve month period where 1,042 inches of rain fell. So if you multiply that by 7, it’s an estimated 7,294 inches which is about 606 feet of water! That is about the height of the Abraj Al Bait Towers, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. If this happens in other places, what do they do to manage rain?
Outcomes from all of this rain make me think, does constant rain mean something? The answer is yes, rain is a part of symbolism and symbolism explains the type of story and the feelings that are stirring. For example, in “All Summer in a day”, there happened to be a lot of dark toned colors, which represent Irony. This story overall is a mixture between Irony and Tragedy demonstrating that it has mixed Symbolism between the two. Such as the seasons, the story is a mixture of spring and fall, it’s more difficult to tell what the season is because it is a fictional story, or in other words not realistic. Constantly occurring throughout the story was the symbolism of rain. Considering rain isn’t what you’d say a happy feeling, it makes for more of a gloomy setting, and mood throughout the story.
Margot the main character was defiantly affected by the weather due to the fact that she used to live on Earth. Living on earth made her stand out in a crowd because she has experienced something that no else around her bares to understand. Margot remembers seeing the sun. It's kind of like she is an outsider and a comparison that is to a silent girl, on one of my basketball teams. Everyone knew she wasn't very talented, and she was always quiet, and people didn't respect her and help her like a true teammate should.In the end just like in the story someone finally gave her a chance and passed her the ball and odd enough she made a shot. For instance in the story, William was a jerk, but then he realized how his actions were effecting Margot. He found that his actions were harmful, which made him feel something he may have never felt in his life, regret. Overall, he was jealous of Margo because she has seen the sun, and he hasn't seen the sun before. When rain occurs for that long it can make people insane, mad, or just depressed which is maybe why William was a jealous person, or just a plain out a mean person. He had no believe the sun would come out and Margo had faith, which therefore made her an outsider and that’s were bullies have the easiest way to attack.
In addition to that, I can make a relation with a litature piece called, “Deep Water” by William O. Douglas, where the feelings felt by the main character are very similar to the main character in, “All summer in a day”. Meaning the main character in, “Deep Water” was traumatized by water and overall he showed that in his story. While Margot the main character in, “All Summer in a day” was traumatized verbally and with contact. In deep water the boy suffered an almost life death experience by being pushed in a pool and almost drowning and Margot got locked in a closet and missing the beautiful rays of sun peeking through the clouds. One may be way worse than the other but they either way they ended up traumatized and exaggerated outsider. With Margot she was a teacher’s pet, and kind of nerdy, and the big thing is she once lived on earth.As for the main character in, “Deep Water” he couldn’t swim so he had to wear dorky water wings. JELOUSY over all conquers the body of these kids who are bullying, the main characters of these stories. These kids both have something in common they are an easy target to get picked on. When people act out like these bullies did towards the main characters it makes me think, other than jealousy are they doing it. Is it possibly because they are down in the dumps about a specific thing? Could they possibly be the affects of constant rainfall?
While weather affects the way people act, it also makes me think because of the weather, and why wouldn’t they want to move? Another question that runs across my mind is how does Margo get to the rainy surface of Venus? I haven’t to the slightest guess, of why and how Margo moved to Venus. Did she take a rocket? Or is it some type of technology were you can just zap there. “All Summer in a Day”, by Ray Bradbury brings all of the questions to my head, and really opens up my mind to all different kinds of solutions and thoughts.
Overall even though this story made me think a little, it displays a astonishing message of how weather affects people, and their actions in throe detail. A final thought I’d like to display is don’t let the rain bring you down, find sunshine on a cloudy day, words from, “My Girl”, by Marvin Gaye. Live Life to the fullest; don’t let a thing as little as rain, control you.

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