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Friday, June 3, 2011

Troubles of the teen life

Sitting at home constantly on Facebook, Twitter, and other online chat groups practically wasting your life;complaining about it to other people. While spending hours and hours staring at a computer screen, just waiting for that one person to answer or comment, to make you feel important. The book “Serrafina67 *urgently requires life*,” by Susie Day teaches teens that there’s a life outside the computer that is waiting to be explored.
Everyday parents watch their children become sucked into the powerful use of technology. An average person everyday wastes 7due to technology related gadgets. Isn’t that sad? People are consumed so much online in the fake world rather than going outside and really smelling the roses of the outdoors, which is the lesson the author was trying to display. The author was describing, if you’re always on the computer you won’t be able to handle the life outside. You will lose things like how to talk to a person without all of the abbreviations. Plus the internet is forever, whatever you post or say will never go away. Is use of technology overused?
With our world these days adults seem to influence technology most. Such as in my school district grades 7-12 all have laptops and they are used daily, and not always for the right reasons. Although technology is used for communicating, writing, and just doing the jobs that make our human lives easier, we don’t always use it in the proper way. The thing teens don’t understand is being on the computer, texting, and watching T.V. is not good for you, just like in the story the main character is a larger girl that doesn’t go outside and hasn’t experienced what the real world is like. People go on the computer practically just to escape from real life.
Over time as your choosing electronics over alternative healthier things like exercise you begin to gain weight and even loss of brain cells. That’s what happened to the main character in this story she got so lost in her computer but she realized what it was doing to her so she tried out for the cheerleading squad. A lot of teens in the world don’t realize like the main character did and it’s too late, and they get results like: obesity, diabetes, and cancer which can all lead to death. It may seem like it’s not that big of a deal, but when it leads to something as big as death it is a huge deal.
While reading this book I realized not only the effects of a teenage girl who lives on her computer but also signs of Symbolism. For example the story almost has the exact layout of a comedic mode line. It starts with normalcy: then she has a problem which is her weight is too heavy, and her solution was she tried out for the cheerleading squad and lost over 20lbs and it all went back to normal. Also other signs of symbolism occurred such as blue and pink which were her favorite colors and those colors symbolize which are soft and nice colors which represents a comedic mood.
This book is a book that you can get many things from good and bad. Which makes it quite simple to find similarities with other things you have experienced, or with other litature pieces. A litature piece with a similar connection is “No Escape,” by Lynn Rosellini.” The similarity I found between the two was both main characters don’t think before they do. In “No Escape,” the main character jumped into a hole risking his life without even thinking about his family and in, “Serafina67*urgently requires life*,” she completely forgets about her health and is about to hit obesity. What both of these characters don’t realize is their lives are at stake. Something they both did that was good, was they both did something about it. With the main character in, “No Escape,” he did what he did to save another person but returned safe to his family and in, “Serafina67*urgently requires life*,” she realized her constant use of technology was too much and tried out for cheerleading. The difference between Swaby and the main character of, “serafina67*urgently requires life,” is she did her actions out of foolishness and Swaby did what he did out of bravery.
In life sometimes we forget to think twice, but when we do we usually make the right choice in the end. With this story there’s a girl with no life that practically lives on a computer but then opens her mind and experiences new things. “Serafina67*urgently requires life*,” by Susie Day inspires teens everywhere that there is a life outsid

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