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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Getting through the Obstacles

Authors note: This essay will be a text analysis essay explaining what, “Life ain’t no crystal stair," means from the famous poem, “mother to son," along with a personal connection.

In 1902 Langston Hughes was born. Growing up as a black boy wasn’t easy, Langston wasn’t treated equal like other white boys his age. He grew up in a time period were the color of peoples skin determined their lifestyles. Langston Hughes wrote a poem called,” Mother to a Son.” Within this poem there is a quote saying, “Life aint no crystal stair,” this poem was a poem from a mother to a son saying that life will not be easy but you need to get over what obstacles life throws at you and finish the race.

I think this author wrote this poem because it was when people read the poem it teaches you to never give up and to believe there is always hope. Langston wrote this poem in a black women's point of view, writing to her young son. Langston was trying to display that life was harder blacks in the time period he lived in and that life it isn't easy, your face with many hard challenges because of your race, religion, etc. Langston poem was to all people saying life aint no crystal stair," meaning life won’t be easy, but the poem is trying to get you a feeling of never giving up.

I have been through many obstacles of my own, everybody has them. For example a huge obstacle in my life was when my parents got divorced when I was 5. Divorce is a long process and brings lots of drama. Many challenges come with divorce such as not seeing my mom or dad every day, taking different buses home, as long as many other challenges, and sure it hasn’t been easy. Even though it was a big challenge I chose to not let it get me down and fight through it.

As Langston said in his poem, “Life, for me aint been no crystal stair, there’s been tacks in it, and splinters, and boards torn up.” Overall Langston was showing people that life isn’t easy, there will be good times and bad times, but you have to get over the bad obstacles in life and finish the race strong.

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