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Monday, March 5, 2012

Just a Little Bump in the Road

Authors Note: This story is going to be about the conflict in the story, Rules of the Road, by Joan Bauer and how it was resolved.

When you’re in a car for 200 miles you really get know a person. For instance in, Rules of the Road, by Joan Bauer young Jenna learned a lot more bout Mrs. Gladstone then she ever thought possible. She found out the stress her son has been putting her under, by trying to take and change her business. There are many conflicts and obstacles in the story but Elden her own son trying to take his mother, Mrs.Gladstones business away from her and forcing her into retirement is the main conflict.

In addition the previous statement, you can tell the son Elden is tired of walking in his mother footsteps and wants to take over making more profits, but not making the money the way he should. Elden is trying to change shoes and use materials such as plastic which is cheaper and not even close to as comfortable. Elden tried changing the way people see Gladstone’s shoes, just to make a couple more bucks. Throughout the story Elden is hiring new people, changing the quality of the shoes, and is fighting his mother for the whole entire company.

Why I think this is the main conflict is because throughout the story is because throughout the story old Mrs. Gladstone and young teen Jenna are doing everything in their power to keep her business and to get the most votes of stock holders, gaining there trust. Jenna and Mrs. Gladstone show that selling shoes aren’t just another job, and that a person’s shoes are a person’s lifestyle. What Elden is doing is practically changing the motto Gladstone’s shoes has always been known for, “We don’t just sell shoes, we sell quality.”He is doing the opposite he isn’t selling quality he is just selling poorly made shoes that will give peoples blisters, and other problems.

Overall the conflict got resolved in the end, because Mrs. Gladstone got to keep being an owner of Gladstone’s shoes, but her son got a piece of the business as well, the main point was she was no longer forced to retire. The young teen Jenna showed all of the stock workers the importance of keeping Mrs. Gladstone around, and the impact she has on the company, and letting her retire would be a big mistake.

1 comment:

  1. I like the format and the word choice you used, watch out for spelling. Overall it was really good :)
