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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Never give up.

Authors Note:In this writing piece Iwill be teling you about what the poem meant to me and what it should mean to others.

This poem is a great poem that has to do with racism and how life isnt easy. This author wrote this poem in a time were blacks were not treated equally. As a child he grew up with issues regarding his race. The is why he said life is no crystal stair, which means life for us isnt easy, but that doesnt mean you stop trying. It means that you get over the hurrdles life gives you and finsih the race.

This poem means alot to me because when I was 5 years old means a lot to me because when i was 5 my parents got devorced. I was so young but yet I could still remember how I felt. Thatwas a huge opsticle in my life and many challenges came with it. Life is no crystel stair but that doesnt mean you can stop trying.

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